Tag Archives: teacher

Repitious Message, What’s a Shaman?

23 Mar

Originally posted to the blog titled Pagan in Portland.

There’s something to be said for repetition, especially those of ideas, messages, experiences that come into your life that hint at a life’s purpose.

TEACHING: Mine has been teaching since I was five! Being a teacher was my goal as a child until my high school days when it was consumed by a love of art techniques and Japanese language. Still coming back to teaching every once in a while as an adult.

SPIRITUALITY: Mine has also been spirituality since I was five! Having metaphysical/spiritual encounters at a young age. To learn more about what I was experiencing, I reached out to the modality readily available at the time, Christianity, at age six.

Never did I like “children’s church” or songs, NEVER, I attended “Adult Service”, I read that Old Testament during summer vacations as a single-digit individual, I changed my Christian identity a few times to get a varied experience and all on my own accord! When I was 13, a prophetical message came from a man about my being a spiritual teacher. And once again, another prophetical message was delivered via a stranger while working at Barnes + Noble ten years later.

I left Christianity at 20 and began studying other paths and ideologies. I thirst for spiritual knowledge. Astrology was another outlet that further reinforced this notion. The 4 astrological bodies in my 9th house and other aspects that are unrelated are saying something, something amazing! Having learned this TONIGHT at my meetup.com astrology group which meets in Hollywood, I’m reflecting now…

Last night, I had dinner with a friend, who lives in Laurelhurst, who had a message for me. He recently returned from a life-changing honeymoon trip to Thailand and felt he needed to see me to deliver a message. After talking for over an hour and moving into a clearing of a golden spiritual meadow that had lie untouched between the two of us, my friend discovered the message “Jaysen, you’re a shaman!”

A Pagan in Portland wants to know…What’s a shaman?…Where’s my dictionary at?