Pagan in Portland is Becoming a Show!

8 Dec

Originally posted to the blog titled Pagan in Portland.

I have decided to turn this blog into a podcast that includes regular episodes consisting of a main topic and several support segments to keep the show rotating with fresh new material. Segments include;

-Astrological Aspirations:  regular look at the sky, discussing monthly forecast, archetypes and other related topics.

-Musical Talent: showcasing local, Pacific Northwest talent, preferably pagan, spiritual or personal development themed.

-Tarot Trolley: Tarot card pull which will help a fluffy bunny become acquainted with the art.

-The Green Man: Environmental tips to keep green and increase our awareness of our actions, as children of the earth.

-Kitchen Witch of the West: plant medicine, herbal highlights and recipes for pagans.

-Keep Portland Weird: fun, weird things about Portland and it’s surrounding areas. Includes ghost and paranormal stories.

-Portlandia Postage: Answering or reading people’s emails and questions.

-Columbia Corkboard: Promos and commercials, bulletins: highlighting other pagan podcasts or local services and local events.

-Mythological Masters: Understanding symbolism and Deity to expand vocabulary for meditation.

I hope you all will join me! :) The show can be downloaded directly from itunes by typing in ‘pagan in portland’ or by going to the site that it is hosted at, which is……COMING SOON!

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